Why Should Brand Refreshment Be Done? Learn Here!

Have you ever noticed a brand with a logo that keeps changing periodically? Or perhaps you've seen a brand with packaging designs and store layouts that are always being updated? If you have, that's what's known as "brand refreshment".
At first glance, if you know the basics of it, brand refreshment is a process of refreshing or updating the visual elements, messages, and brand identity of a product or company. But it turns out, this plays an important role for a company in marketing its products.
Luckily, you're in the right article because this article will discuss what brand refreshment is and why brand refreshment is so important for your business.
Understanding brand refreshment!
Source: Freepik.com
Brand refreshment is a revitalization of a brand that makes minor changes to your business branding. These changes can include visual elements but can also involve sound elements.
In simple terms, brand refreshment can be likened to giving a new face to a brand to make it look fresh and attractive to both existing and potential customers. Brand refreshment usually involves changes in the logo, changes in the color palette, the presence of a new font in the logo, and even a tagline that is adjusted to current trends.
By doing brand refreshments, a company can ensure that a brand remains up-to-date with the ever-changing market trends. Although brand refreshment can provide significant benefits to a company, such as increasing customer engagement and enhancing brand image, there are also challenges that you must face. Like pouring your creative energy when doing brand refreshment.
Now that you know the definition of brand refreshment, you also need to know how important brand refreshment is in a brand or company. Keep reading this article until the end!
Reasons why you need to implement brand refreshment in your business
Source: Freepik.com
As a business owner, there's no harm in refreshing your brand! Besides being profitable, this can also help advance your business. Unfortunately, many business people are not too concerned about this. However, there are several important reasons why your business needs to give a fresh touch to its brand. According to kompas.com, there are various reasons why you should do brand refreshments for your business. Curious about what they are? Here are the reasons:
1. Change in Business Ownership
For example, if you rely on someone to manage your business, or if you are required to manage a business. It's not a bad idea to give a fresh touch to that brand. Brand refreshment can be the right way to inform your customers about who the new owner is, provide a new nuance, and show that you are serious about making this business grow.
2. Strengthening Competition Between Brands
With the tight competition in business today, of course, we want to give a new touch to our brand so that it always stays ahead in the market. Sometimes, if you always look consistent, you can be considered outdated in business. So, with a fresh new look, we can have a new story in our business and products.
3. Emergence of New Direction
There's nothing wrong with changing direction in business, such as reaching out to a different market or industry. For example, we have to reach out to people in a new area or new market. That is certainly an added value that you can offer.
4. Attracting New Customers
If you want to launch a new product or improve services, this is the perfect time to do brand refreshments. Besides strengthening the main brand, this can also help attract new customers.
Now you know how important brand refreshment is for your business, right? So for those of you who are still hesitant, remember that brand refreshment can be the key to opening new doors to the success of your business. By giving a new visual to your brand, you can expand your business reach, increase your market, and create refreshing new opportunities for your customers. So, dare yourself to do brand refreshment and make your business develop towards a brighter future!