Utilize ERP Applications to Enhance Your Business Efficiency

Every business entity will strive to optimize the growth of their business to the fullest extent possible. The government also continually endeavors to improve the economic status of society with programs released to develop SMEs in Indonesia.
The development of a business can be considered a highly complex process. Various elements within a company such as sales, operations, logistics, inventory, finance, accounting, procurement, and production must be interconnected and integrated so that the business processes of the company can run optimally.
Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP is a business application system that facilitates integrated company management. ERP applications can integrate various information systems within a company.
Why is ERP Important in Optimizing Business?
Source: Freepik.com
Many conveniences can be obtained in a business endeavor by using an ERP system, including:
1. ERP systems enable real-time information provision
ERP applications provide real-time information about the main business processes of the company, such as sales, production, procurement of goods, and inventory management.
2. ERP systems help businesses monitor company resources
In addition to enabling ERP as a real-time information provider, ERP applications can also monitor company resources such as cash flow, company inventory, accounts receivable and payable, and human resources.
Through ERP applications, a company's business data can be entered into the system from various existing departments.
These data are then integrated, managed, and used in subsequent business processes, including decision-making.
Initially, ERP systems were more commonly used for back-office functions such as accounting and finance, inventory purchasing, inventory management, and employee payroll.
However, the use of ERP applications has now expanded to the front office functions of the company such as sales, CRM (Customer Relationship Management), and even SRM (Supplier Relationship Management).
Source: Freepik.com
The existence of ERP Systems and the development of cloud-based internet make it possible for companies to carry out various processes and data management that can be integrated centrally.
Moreover, this system facilitates companies to connect with third parties as part of their business prospects (business stakeholders).
These benefits and features make ERP systems a potential solution to meet the needs of integrated information systems for businesses.
ERP applications enable companies to work more efficiently by minimizing barriers to information flow between work units.