What Are the Licenses Required for Culinary Business? Find Out Here!
Rizki Amelia
It’s no secret that the culinary business is one that will never lose its appeal! As long as people need food, any type of food you offer will surely have a strong market potential.
That’s why many people are eager to enter the culinary world. Indeed, starting a culinary business may seem easy, but behind it all, a lot of careful preparation is required, from effective restaurant management strategies, location selection, food business ideas, and well-prepared business licenses.
For managing licenses in the culinary business, at least there are 4 types of licenses you need to prepare. Let’s find out below!
4 Licenses Required for Culinary Business
Source: Freepik
According to the website dinkopukm.slemankab.go.id, culinary entrepreneurs must have the following 4 types of business licenses:
1. NIB
NIB or Business Identification Number is an identity number for business operators. This aligns with the business fields regulated in the Indonesian Standard Classification of Business Fields (KBLI) 2020. The NIB is categorized based on the type of economic activity that produces goods or services. Thus, every business has its own identity.
To obtain an NIB, you simply need to register on the OSS website! After logging in, you will be asked to fill in some important data. If you’re registering as an individual, you need to provide at least your National Identity Number (NIK), date of birth, phone number, and email address.
Next is PIRT or Home Industry Food License, ensuring that homemade food or beverages meet safety standards. This license is granted for processed food products produced by SMEs to be marketed locally. Home businesses, especially in food, are booming in Indonesia. These small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are growing rapidly and becoming one of the backbones of our economy.
The PIRT license is given for processed food products with low risk. They will issue a PIRT number consisting of 15 digits (new) or 12 digits (old), valid for 5 years, and can be renewed for food and beverages that last more than 7 days. For food and beverages lasting less than 7 days, they fall under the category of Healthy Food Service.
The PIRT license is valid for 3 years but can also be extended. The processing time varies, taking from 1 week to 3 months, depending on the region (Indonesia.go.id).
BPOM or the National Agency of Drug and Food Control. Some of you might think that BPOM is only important for cosmetics, but food products also need BPOM certification. Why? Besides ensuring that products are safe for consumption, having a BPOM label can also increase consumer trust. To register food products, you can either visit the BPOM office or register through the BPOM website.
4. Halal Certification
Lastly, halal certification is one of the business licenses that must be held, especially in Indonesia. Why is halal certification important? This license ensures that your products can be accepted by the largest market segment in Indonesia, which is the Muslim population. Currently, about 87.08% of Indonesia's total population adheres to Islam (Kumparan.com).
This certification is issued by the Ministry of Religious Affairs through the Halal Product Guarantee Agency (BPJPH). To register online, simply visit the MUI’s Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Research Institute (LPPOM MUI) at www.e-lppommui.org.
Those are the types of licenses required for the culinary business. Starting a culinary business indeed requires a lot of preparation, but don’t worry, it’s all worth it for the results you’ll gain! With the licenses mentioned above, you can confidently run your culinary business.